Recommended links - Ajánlott linkek:
About the Afghan Hound - Az afgán agárról. (Wikipedia)
Eskashem Afghan Hound - Co-breeder
Lucie′s website about Afghan Hounds
Recommended own links - Ajánlott saját linkek:
HarmMoni′s Afghan Hounds - Introducing Zoi, Liliom, Madina. (Video)
HarmMoni′s Afghan Hounds - Zoi′s life. (Video)
HarmMoni′s Afghan Hounds - Coursing (Video)
HarmMoni′s Afghan Hounds - Liliom′s life (Video)
HarmMoni′s Afghan Hounds - Madinas life (Video)
Introduction of the Afghan Hound puppies. (Video)
Adventures of Afghan Hound Puppies are on their first Dog Show. (Video)